Registered Wells

There are several different terms used to capture the important information on your well. These terms include well record, well construction report, and well log among others. Though these records have been created and provided to property owners for some time it hasn’t always been mandatory to submit to the Ministry of Environment. Submitting a well record to the Ministry effectively registers the well and upon registration a unique “Well Tag” is assigned.

Newer wells that have been drilled in the last 10 years will likely have a unique “Well ID Plate” attached. This ID plate is separate from the “Well Tag” and although they may share the same number of digits they should not be confused with one another.

Registering your domestic well creates a record of your water use and helps to ensure your use is considered during future decision making in the area and during times of water scarcity. It also allows for ease of reference for owners and qualified well service providers (both current and future). Drillwell has been registering our client’s wells since the 1960’s.

How can I find my well record?

The province has created an easy tool to lookup the details on existing wells with an online tool called Groundwater Wells and Aquifers (GWELLS). Please find a link to this tool here:

Data can be entered in the search box but if information is missing or incorrect it won’t return the record(s) you are looking for. A map type search can be performed if the search box is left blank. Using the map on the right zoom to the area of interest at which point available well records will show as blue dots. Keep in mind dot location isn’t always accurate as GPS information has only been supplied for relatively new wells. Click on a blue dot and a bubble will appear with a hyperlink to the selected well record.

No well record available?

It’s possible that local pump installers may have your well information on file. If information on the well is available a property owner can complete, submit, and register a well using the following well registration form: